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“Survival tips” in Denmark


-The official guide to Life in Denmark


Survive in Denmark


-Electrochemistry Encyclopedia, ECS

-Electrochemistry Fundamentals, University of Cambridge

-Potential/energy conversion

-Converting potentials to another reference electrode

-Converting between common reference electrodes

-Frequency - Wavelength - Energy Converter


-Cyclic voltammetry (CV)

-A Practical Beginner’s Guide to Cyclic Voltammetry, ACS

-Cyclic Voltammetry Basic Principles, Theory and Setup; Ossila

-Basic Concepts for CV Analysis, Daniel Graham

-CV simulator

-Soft Potato


-KinESim: Pre-equilibrium kinetic simulation of electrochemical reactions


-Randles–Sevcik Equation Calculator (for diffusion controlled redox process)

-Nernst Equation Calculator

-Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)

-Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy | Nature Reviews Methods Primers

-General Fitting Tool for EIS data



Protein/ enzyme/ biochemistry

-Enzyme Nomenclature


-Protein data bank (PDB) (structure)

-Enzyme database BRENDA (activity)

-PDBe (European version of PDB)

-PDBj (Japanese version of PDB)

-UniProt (freely accessible resource of protein sequence and functional information)

-CAZy (Carbohydrate-Active enZYmes Database)

-The Biocatalysis Database - BioCatDB

-PDB editing

-PDB Editor (Java based)

-Visualization and analysis of PDB

-UCSF Chimera (free to use)

-Edu-PyMOL (student version)

-Alphafold (protein structure prediction; built in ChimeraX)

-Protein-protein docking

-AutoDock (free to use)

-Online bio-tool

-PDB2PQR tool (for the calculation of surface charge distribution of proteins)

-Protein isoelectric point calculator

-The grand average of hydropathy (GRAVY) value for protein sequences

-I-TASSER (protein structure prediction and structure-based function annotation), Zhang

-PLIP (non-covalent interactions between biological macromolecules and their ligands)

-RNAComposer, Poznan University of Technology

-Calculators & Apps, MERCK

-Buffer Calculator

-Acid & Base Normality and Molarity Calculator

-Molarity Calculator

-Biocatalysis tools, University of Graz

-Enantiomeric Ratio

-Enzyme Activity Assays

-MERCK online

-Enzyme kinetics

-Michaelis-Menten Equation - Interactive Graph

-International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC)

-GenBank, NCBI

​-DDBJ (DNA Data Bank of Japan)


Data analysis

-QSoas (very good at baseline correction for non-catalytic voltammetry)

- (see the curves of non-linear equations; a good assistant when performing non-linear fitting with other tools such as Excel and OriginLab)

Data analysis

Materials analysis


-Powderplot (Free program for visualising and handling powder diffraction patterns, developed by Kenny Ståhl)

-Fullprof (Rietveld analysis and pattern decomposition of powder diffraction data)

-Match! (with a time-limited demo version free-of-charge)

-Image analysis

-ImageJ (TEM, SEM images; optical images)


-Molecule visualisation




-NIST Standard Reference Database

-Ionic Liquids Database - ILThermo

-ChemTube3D, University of Liverpool

-Crystallography Open Database (COD)


-Inorganic Crystal Structure database (ICSD)

-The Cambridge Structural Database (CSD)

Mater analysis


-How To Choose a Good Scientific Problem, Uri Alon

Scientific writing

-Scientific report Word template, Xiao Group

-Scientific manuscript_general template, Xiao Group

-Tips and Tools, Writing the Paper, University of North Carolina

-How to write a good paper, McNeil Group, University of Michigan

-Scientific Writing - The University of Southern Mississippi


Serving the scientific community

To become a peer-reviewer of a scientific journal at the early career stage, the best way is first to be trained as a peer-reviewer

-Focus on Peer Review — free course, Nature Masterclasses

-ACS Reviewer Lab (will get a certification upon completion)

-Certified Peer Reviewer Course, Elsevier Researcher Academy

Editors can be contacted directly by expressing your interest of serving as a peer-reviewer.

Xinxin is now an associate editor of the journal Heliyon, drop a message if you want to review chemistry related manuscripts.

Prestigious electrochemistry related societies

-International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE)

-The Electrochemistry Society (ECS), USA

-The Bioelectrochemical Society (BES)

-American Chemical Society (ACS)

-Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

-Danish Electrochemical Society (DEF)


Aalborg University


© Xinxin Xiao Research Group at AAU since 2022


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